10 political forces have issued a joint statement on the pre-election TV debates
09:45 - 08 June, 2021

10 political forces have issued a joint statement on the pre-election TV debates

The "Citizen's Decision" party informs that as a result of the discussions initiated by them, 10 political forces participating in the 2021 snap parliamentary elections have agreed on the content of the following statement:

"The election of the participants in the debate of the first numbers of the pre-election lists initiated by Public Television of Armenia and NDI has been unfair.

The debate will be held in two groups, with 13 participants in each. The groups have been selected according to the following principle: In the first group there will be the parties that have received state registration earlier, and in the second group - the parties registered later. Moreover, realizing that the alliances registered a month ago according to this principle would appear in the second group, they added the second principle, according to which the date of the registration of the oldest party included in the alliance is taken into account, not the registration date of the alliance itself.

Thus, 13 parties participating in the elections were deprived of the opportunity to debate with any of the people responsible for this situation in the country. Knowing well that the debate has an impact on the election results, the organizers have adopted an unfair principle. It excludes the confrontation of new parties with the old parties, trying to show the citizens that the real opposition is between the old parties, and the new ones only provide a mass scene for the "main" actors.

This format of the debate violates the principles of impartiality and ensuring equal conditions.

It is necessary to review the principles of electing the participants and to organize the pre-election debate on a new, fair principle. Otherwise, we will refuse to take part in it.

"Liberal" party

"National Agenda" party

"Fair Armenia" party

"Sovereign Armenia" party

"Pan-Armenian National Statehood" party

"Our Home is Armenia" party

"United Homeland" party

"Shirinyan-Babajanyan" alliance of democrats

"Citizen’s Decision" social democratic Party

"One party has agreed on the content of the statement, which, however, wanted to make a separate statement," the joint statement notes.

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